New paper characterizes diverse cyanobacterial communities which possess several genetic tools to deal with bloom conditions in Lake Okeechobee, FL

Kudos to Dr. Lauren Krausfeldt, the lab and our many collaborators (from FGCU, USGS, CosmosID), for our first publication from this Army Corp of Engineers project studying microbial communities in Lake Okeechobee!! This effort took much patience, perseverance and a great team effort. Thanks also to the Aquatic Nuisance Species Research Program of ACE for funding. Dr. Krausfeldt conducted a deep “-omics” dive in an effort to characterize and determine potential causes and correlates of cyanobacterial blooms common on Lake O. CRISPR sequences are present and can protect blooming Microcystis and other bloom species from diverse cyanophages detected through metagenomics sequencing.